“NMN is the
equivalent of running a marathon for Breast Cancer: you engage in a physical
to raise resources to better someone else’s life and often, without
knowing it, you better your own.”
-Katie Oostman, Co-Founder of NMN
77% of girls think they're ugly.
8 million women suffer from Makeup Agoraphobia.
Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful.
Every 30 seconds, a person is enslaved.
27 million men, women, and children are trapped in sex labor.
Sex Trafficking is not legal anywhere, but it happens everywhere.
The above statistics represent oppression happening around you right now.
{To learn more about the cause of the sex trafficking, visit Demand No Demand}
In today's culture, beauty is something to be bought. We buy makeup, diet pills, plastic surgery to fit the mold of what is beautiful. Those things become, in our minds, beauty. We think we can purchase pretty. All around the world there are people buying beauty in the form of sex slaves. In both of these cases, natural beauty is being manipulated for selfish desires.
We think that is wrong.
The No Makeup November Project was designed for girls to find their own confidence by putting aside the makeup and gaining a new perspective of themselves and the world. While going without makeup for 30 days, you are raising money to free a girl just like you from being forced to have sex with strangers for her kidnapper's profit. All the money we raise is donated directly to The A21 Campaign, an
organization physically removing and rehabilitating girls trapped in the sex
Our focus is physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom from sex slavery and crushed self-worth.
Our focus is physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom from sex slavery and crushed self-worth.
This is not just a cause to throw money at, this is a revolution: to see the world differently and act on that perspective. This is the start of world change.
In 2011, we raised $1,545 to give to The A21 Campaign to stop sex trafficking.
In 2012, you donated $1,060 to The A21 Campaign and To Write Love on Her Arms.
This year, we've set a radical goal because we know that you guys are world changers. And if anyone can do it, you can.
In 2013, we are striving to hit the $3,000 mark.
1. Spread the word! During the year, we are looking to gather as many people as possible to join in so that when November roles around, it's like one big party!
2. Find sponsors. The month of October is our prime fundraising month. Find creative ways to let people know that you're planning to go without makeup for a month and why. Ask them to support you by pledging a certain amount for one of the days you participate. It could be $1 or $100! Just get every day covered before November.
3. Put away the makeup! It's November! This is going to be a tough month for some of you. Surround yourself with encouragement. Journal what you observe and learn. Tell people why you look a little different and ask them if they'd like to donate to support the cause. It's just like running a marathon for a cure for Breast Cancer - it's tough, but it's worth it! And remember we're always here cheering you on.
For the "non-makeup-ers," we still need you as sponsors and encouragers! Please cheer on those going without makeup, spread the word, raise donations, go on a trip to physically rescue girls from sex trafficking with A21, etc. We will be looking to you when our self-confidence gets a little shaky without our shields of foundation and eyeshadow. The community you create, a place of pure encouragement, is our new "foundation."
We are so excited to have you with us. Please send us a shout out; we want to encourage you as we make this journey together.
-The NMN Team
{We don't hate makeup. In fact, we really like the artistic opportunities it creates. We've just realized that good things can be polluted, and sometimes a perspective check is in order.}